Hi everyone! I'm writing to you live from the AT&T Digital Oasis at Lollapalooza 2007 in Chicago, IL. (I'm going to get paid for that corporate plug, right?)
Okay, unlike the people sitting at laptops for what seems like hours, seemingly doing nothing, I'm not going to hog this device. So this will be a short update, and then Iris and I can post more detailed reviews and updates later tonight at Chez Maise. Plus, Iris, as always, has some multimedia goodies for us all!
Okay, so to start, it's really fucking hot out here, and I feel filthy and slimy...you know, in a general way. So far, we have seen half of the Fratellis set (due to a slightly late start and traffic),

about five minutes of Ted Leo and the Pharmacists (whose good-natured rock stylings we abandoned after a friend announced that he felt like he was listening to a concert "at the county fair").

We mostly ignored Son Volt for the same reason, but after that I was totally converted to the Polyphonic Spree.

They totally remind me of some sort of religious cult. With their white robes, harps, flutes, charismatic lead vocalist, and dancing backup singers, they could very well call themselves the Jim Jones Singers. Well, pass me the Kool-Aid.

I have no idea what they're singing about beyond "love" and "trees growing" and shit like that, but it's all very invigorating. I was concerned that it was all going to be too hippy-trippy for Mr. Maise, especially when they did a rousing cover of Nirvana's "Lithium," which was a huge crowd-pleaser. But he enjoyed them, and I was pleased to witness probably one of the more unique and interesting bands here today.
Coming up in about an hour or so...Blonde Redhead, LCD Soundsystem, and Daft Punk! And, yes, there will be more from us soon...maybe even some VIEWPOINTS.
I don't know that I'm quite sold on Polyphonic Spree. They were a little....I dunno. Maybe it just wasn't my thing. But dude, when you say it's going to be your last song, don't continue on with ten more songs. And is it coincidence that they got the biggest reaction from a Nirvana cover? Their own music just didn't reach that level.
Maise the Polyphonic Spree are much more modern than the Jim Jones cult. They pass out jello shots now, not kool-aid. I have to admit that I started getting into them though towards the end. I think it was the Nirvana cover while dressed in white choir robes that turned the tides for me. How can you not like a little grunge choir music?
And yes dear readers, there are LOTS of pics to follow! Now...back out to the show!
See, my feeling is, after we hear about 90 bands that will sound EXACTLY ALIKE, we will remember the Polyphonic Spree as being rather refreshing...
But yeah, he did bust out the "last song" warning rather prematurely. But you know...the end is near. You have to be prepared for it.
Yeah Ro, the songs were a little unending. There would be that quiet point, the crowd would go nuts, and then there was like 10 more minutes of song! When I say I like them it was that I could get into it out in the crowd but I don't know that it inspired me to actually buy any of their music. But the backup girls were fun to watch.
Anxiously looking forward to hearing what you guys thought of LCD's set....
Holy Christ, Angelman, I missed you, Chomsky and all!
You know what? I nominate Angelman for King Of Places Parallel.
Gabriel, you have permission to give me hell when you actually TAKE a stand, instead of just telling everyone else what to do.
Angelman, see, he takes a stand, even if it's as simplistic as "Metal is good". I don't have to agree with him, but I've got to admire it.
If you can't take the metal, get out of your mother's basement.
But telling everybody else what to do is what I'm good at.
Is that all?
Shit, I missed you too, JR. This PLACE has been PARALLEL but not that INTERESTING thus far, hence my having nothing to contribute.
But now that we are talking about bands I don't know without pictures or real descriptions... sounds like it is gonna change!
don't count on it Angelman.
I have a funny feeling that the "not interesting yet parallel" thing is going to change.
Oh Gabriel, I love it when you're petulant!
Okay everybody -- this is where we can discuss what you like better -- Nestle's Quik, or Ovaltine.
I'm vegan - neither.
And wtf, JR, you are a republican that works for a non-profit org? All hell has broken loose!
No, I'm a Nazi, remember?
Yeah, I work for a non-profit--wanna make something of it?
Only REAL MEN can handle profits.
(and REAL WOMEN, too, I guess.)
You get a big mouth full of steamy hot profit, and its SO BIG AND LONG, it's practically making you gag, and there's only one question to ask...
Can you handle it?
What non-profit? The one to create a fleet of android Reagans?
I left a comment over at you new place. You need to decorate.
I've always wondered what it would be like to work in the for-profit world...I've only ever worked for non-profits.
To think I was glad to see you! I'm NOT a Republican! Never have been! I COME FROM A FAMILY THAT STYLES ITSELF AFTER THE KENNEDYS!!! Aaaarrrgh!
I'm not going to tell you what kinda non-profit I work for, but I'll let you know if you guess right.
So far, you 0 for 1.
Let me tell you JR, it can get EXHAUSTING sometimes -- if the company is successful, there are just so many accounts to SERVICE, but at the end of the day, you may be bruised, bloody, a smeared with the stains of battle...
But you'll be satisfied. Ohhhhh, yeah.
Oddly, I, the liberal, work for a selfishly profit ONLY business. I'm like Richard Gere in Pretty Woman - I create nothing - except CASH.
Who knew?
Oh, this is good.
I can follow up both Gabriel and Angelman's posts by saying this:
We who work for non-profits do so not for the money, but because we love it. ;)
I need to download me some non-profit videos tonight...
Try out "501(c)3 My Ass".
We just use scraps of paper (old reports, etc.) torn in quarters. We use those for EVERYTHING.
Jr - I'm listening to your podcast.
You have a "radio voice"
I expected Rush Limbaugh and I get sensitive crowded house breakdowns?
You disappoint me.
Mmmmm, yeah you do.... everything.... aw, yeah...
All right - I'm going home. We are all gonna be grounded when Maise and Iris get back and see that we trashed the house.
Currently Absorbing FAILED STATES by NOAM CHOMSKY!
Wait... _I_ am a moderate liberal!
But I define myself by having something to fight against. Damn.
Okay, so Iris and I were going to work tirelessly into the night to continue our coverage of Lollapalooza '07, but..um, we ate some fast food, watched a little TV, and fell asleep on the couch.
Anyhoo, it's a good thing that you guys aren't Pitchfork types because reading the Lollapalooza coverage, I guess that Ted Leo and the Pharmacists would probably not normally be classified as possessing "good natured rock stylings," seeing as they seem to be described as HARD ROCKING POLITICAL RABBLEROUSERS and were the darlings of critics Greg Kots and Jim Derogatis, of the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun Times respectively. But we didn't hear enough of them to reach those same conclusions, and my good friend Padraig, who normally is a sucker for that sort of critically acclaimed indie scene, did indeed dismiss them as "county fair" and suggested that we move on.
So my apologies if I totally mischaracterized this band. I still didn't like 'em, though.
Again, I will promise more of everything soon, including pics and videos that will DESTROY YOUR SOUL with their awesomeness. I'm too sleepy to think straight at the moment.
You can always keep yourselves occupied by complaining about the site and playing another round of "Who's More Liberal?" You know, like always.
Beer is GREAT.
Currently absorbing Wes Montgomery.
I found Danzig's workout online tonight. Sweet. Time to get ripped.
First time poster, long time lurker from WTC.
I have to say I'm enjoying PP so far. I'd love a bit of a review on how Pearl Jam does at Lolla.
As for Gabriel, Angelman, & Jr. Thanks for bringing the LULZ as usual. Between the nice picture of poop from Rob and you guys, my day has been complete. I can now rest easy. Thanks. Really.
What the hell is a "LUL"?
And, once again, MAISE GOT IT WRONG. We were playing "Who's LESS liberal, but still not a Republican or a Nazi"? (Hint: it's me.)
Whatever, JR. We all know you work for Hitler Charities.
Quoth Fox News:
LULZ is a corruption of LOL, Laugh Out Loud!
Incidentally that was about the only thing they had right in that report. I can tell you that the myspace guy who was complaining that he 'didn't know why he was targeted' pretty much asked for it.
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