Okay so I'm a little behind this morning but thanks to a tip from reader, Persephone, we see some new live performance pictures surfacing. Now I am severely torn by these photos. Half of me wants to say "yes, Yes, YES take me Trent and we can play helpless prisoner/naughty security guard all. night. long.", and the other half wants to seem detached and oh so cool in front of the other hipster bitches here and say "RECYCLED."
But you know what? Fuck being cool. I own half this blog so I can be however I want to be.
Trent, the gloves are still HAWT! Pfffttt...I didn't even make it to the other pictures without 'em. Matter of fact I'm going to go out on a limb here and say they look better now than they did then. I'm not saying I wasn't intrigued by your kinky little fetish getup back then...it's just that skinny guys who look like I could take them out don't "really" do it for me. But now...oh-ho-ho...now you look like you can play the way I like it. And I’m sorry I said I hated you the other day. You know I didn’t mean it! You just...well...you just sounded like shit. But I bet you brought the fucking house down on this night. -sigh-
I wonder if he consciously picked this prison guard shirt and tie combo out knowing how many Year Zero DIY designed panties he would moisten. I can already hear Dierdre saying, "Well, of course he did, Iris. Trent Reznor is always Asking For It!"
Now bring on the hate. I'm waiting...
Oh hey JR & Danny A, I've linked you guys up on our links so maybe now you don't have to push your own sites so much. ;) Jeesh...like I don't look for updates daily.
To any readers who haven't checked them out yet, you ought to. Entertaining stuff.
I mean, I'm fine with the fisting gloves...it's really the short-sleeved shirt with tie that's making me crack up derisively. OMG, I had a history teacher in high school who dressed just like that (minus fisting gloves), and he leaned politically liberal, but he was very strict in class and was always hopped up on too much caffeine all the time and could be kind of tyrannical. And he had a sexxxy mustache.
You know, I think this is just Trent in his "I'm a 42-year-old history teacher" phase, and if we keep making fun of him like this, we'll all have to report to detention.
Once. That's exactly how many times I've mentioned the awesomeness that is MY blog. If you think it's more than that, it's because YOU can't stop thinking about it.
As for Mr. Reznor, COME ON. He looks like a fucking fool, and I'm not saying that in any kind of comparison to how good he USED to look in fisting gloves, I'm saying that simply from looking at these pics.
Do the words "trying too hard" mean anything to you?
I mean, should Mick Jagger start wearing bell bottoms again?
Though I will say this: facially, this is the best that he's looked in a while.
But everything else just looks STUPID.
Well the pushing thing was meant to be directed more towards Danny A than you JR. But hey, I'm still pushing for you guys so I'm not really complaining that much.
Seriously, Iris?
I mean, seriously?
I know, right?
He looks like a world war II german boys school principal.
Or a nazi bible salesman.
It just doesn't work.
thanks for the link, Iris!
You'd better stop using those examples, DA, because you're just getting Iris even hotter.
The overall effect of the entire ensemble is that if Trent walked into my bedroom with his "come hither" look and that outfit, I would burst out laughing, as opposed to back in the day when I would think, "My God, what will happen to me and how addicted will I become to it?"
Know why, Maise?
Cause you've grown up and he hasn't.
It's actually making me think of DA's old love letter(s) and 10 part stories...say, DA, you weren't planning to turn any of that 10 part anthology into a movie with A list Hollywood types, were you..?
I still am planning to make my art into big budget films.
The manuscript you read is what I am sending out to the A-listers!
In that case, WATCH OUT, TRENT.
Do you own your own black tie and grey t-shirt with epaulets? If not, you've got to go and get like two or three of those, pronto. No one will take you seriously (as an artist, anyway) without 'em. And the girls will get all drooly.
I'm so out of the loop! I had no idea Trent was a Mormon!
You know what would scare me the most?
If "the kids" today DO dig this look, Iris IS right, and we are the old out-of-touch people.
The out-of-touch people with taste.
Hey, BC, see this?
It's a virtual bitch slap for that last comment. How dare you even utter that we are "old" and "uncool"?
Let's never speak of that again.
I'm sorry, Iris, but I've got to agree with Maise here. If he came into my bedroom looking like that, I'd be laughing too.
I have nothing against gloves like that in general or being incorporated in some kind of play, but when you put it with everything else in these photos, it looks comical.
I agree with JR in regards to the emotions conveyed in his face. He looks very genuine...if not a little demented.
I don't care what all y'all bitches say, I dig the gloves. In fact, I think the whole ensemble is like a ROTC kid gone kinky.
I also like that he's apparently the only one in the band who tucks the shirt in, though I can't see whether it's tucked in in this shot.
Yeah, it's tucked in. I see belt buckle.
This is such a boring topic, especially when there is nothing to discuss: we all agree that Trent looks foolish and that we are at least a little embarrassed for him.
I'd like to get back to "the story" about DA, BC and Big Daddy Chocolate.
You go for it then, JR.
Meanwhile, I'm cooking up a non-Trent-related post. Stay tuned!
Yeah, now he is The Interrogator.
Complete with spotlight :)
Listen ladies,
Any participant in this blog who does not enjoy a uniformed man is either gay or mentally challenged.
Moistened panties:
NAZI Bible Salesman:
#1: NAZI is an acronym-- dipshit. #2: I believe you may be referring to the outfit worn by the Hitler Youth. The NAZI party was not big on organized religion. Do you remember all the artwork confiscated and the horrible amount of censorship in 1930-40 Germany? Bible selling? Not so much.
For anyone who doesn't like the gloves, shame on you. I can't wait to be arrested and waiting in handcuffs while security guard Reznor searches me for illegal contraband.
Later losers.
Congratulations, Iris, Maise and Ro!
You've just received your first bona fide hate here at Places Parallel! Are you going to print out the comment and frame it, they way pizza places frame their first dollar?
And I also must say that Lav is really REALLY good at condensing 20 some-odd posts into one single entity with one single voice. Who cares if Angelman said he looked like a Nazi Bible salesman and Ro said he looked like an edgy Mormon? If Lav didn't say it, it's all just background noise to be critical of.
Splendid JR,
I almost became mildly offended by your last post, until I realized I had no idea what the hell you were talking about.
Looks like you've found that missing bottle of cough syrup, eh?
If you'll excuse me, I have some contraband to smuggle in my body cavities.
Lavendar -
I wasn't being serious about the "Nazi Bible Salesman" It was that his look is two things that don't go together (Trent's clean-cut look and schoolboy outfit WITH the s&m gloves).
it was meant to be joke.
You know, humor?
A few posts before I was linking to clips of John Travolta jazzer-sizing in the movie PERFECT.
I wasn't worrying about historical accuracy.
Let's all settle down.
Jeez, Lavender, first you have it in for the Disney princesses and now it's nazi bible salesmen!
Honey, you need to relax a little. We joke around here. A lot.
It's like getting bitched at by an earnest college freshman.
Maise = today's queen of smart.
Oh, and Lav? You should be offended by what I said. I was making note of the fact that you were behaving as if all the comments before yours were one big comment made by one person (who would be named "Not Lavender"). You know, like if you didn't say it, it's inherently wrong and worthless.
Let me know if you need me to explain anything else I said to you.
Bring the hate, Lavender. Love will tear us apart.
So much for your retirement, Gabriel.
Thank god!
Gabriel, have you ever considered running for public office? I could see you really revolutionizing the body politic...
...or destroying it completely.
Either way it'd be a hell of a ride.
If somebody needs to be told to shut their mouth and just be pretty, then I emerge from the darkness to right the wrongs.
But turn your back...
and I'm gone.
Or coming at you with a gloved fist...
Does this mean we all have to bend over now?
Mock outrage, sarcasm. Try it, you will all like it- or do only the contributors of WTC have a claim on sarcasm?
And fuck you JR. I didn't know that this was english 101 where we had to cite sources. Or are you really just that self-important?
Gabriel, I am not barren. Far from it. So have fun with that tonight.
If you're not barren yet, you're just not fisting hard enough, Lav!
Come on... a little deeper.. almost there... you can do it.
Let me know if you need some help. I think we could have some fun, sugarcakes.
Who's apologizing?
I was just trying to get - the apparently VERY fertile - Lavendar to put down the freshman history book and realize that "sum uv us dumys" actually know history, politics etc.
Don't make me post our fisting picture Gabriel. Or the one of us "in chains" hey - you know we were wearing those chains!!!
I thought we were merely Standing Beneath These Chains?
Who cares about what he thinks, DA.
Post it! Post it!
The world should know of this great love!
I have very fond memories of that sweet embrace.
It's one of many.
See, DA? He's practically telling you to do it.
There are pics that could RUIN gabriel and I, that is for sure...
There are old band pictures that would bring this place to it's knees. The worst goth looks EVER.
I'm so serious.
I don't know, DA. I've seen alot in my day.
Well - I guess at least we looked the part - but the unintentional dorkdom makes me cry.
Sadly, I think those pictures would just reinforce what everybody already suspects:
1) Angelman and I are lovers.
2) We have terrible fashion and makeup sense.
Would the mere sight of these pics impregnate our Lavender?
If you manage to pull that off, Gabriel, I will forever respect your mojo.
Well, what the hell do you THINK "very fertile" means?
it looks like the whole band wore those shirts. except aaron north and you can't really see any pics of josh freese. but look at alessandro and jeordie. yum.
looks like they even have little YZ patches on the sleeves. somewhere back jr said she liked the gloves when they fit more loosely but if you look at trent it looks like his arms are finally starting to shrink down. they don't look as big as they used to. either that or his head is still growing.
lav your contraband stories are grossing me out. so stop.
gabriel i've always liked your makeup. can we please see the pics. pretty please? with a popped cherry on top?
Oh God, it's even MORE retarded, if they're ALL wearing them!
Unity in cornstarch, unity in retarded uniforms. I suppose it makes sense given his past.
...and his apparent inability to tell the difference between a coal factory and a nuclear power plant, which subsequently made me look like an idiot this morning!
...I'm not happy with him at the moment..
Ooh...a whole fleet of Nazi Bible salesmen. That's hot.
Well, we're back in the uniforms for the Leeds show tonight. One thing I will say, at least Aaron wears a long sleeve shirt with the tie...
Wonder what Billy Corgan's wearing tonight...
Iris, this little crumb of info. might interest you. This happened last night at Leeds.
Colin Murrey (BBC) when asked how Leeds festival was going he said it's mostly just about the music here. You don't get all the media or celebrities as they're all hanging out in Reading as it's closer to London. The closest he saw to a celebrity there was having a piss next to Trent Reznor and said something like "let's just say I think I know what perspective Hurt was written from now"
Apparently, he does have it where it counts.
Persephone I'm not even sure what that means. Was he hurting himself while peeing? Were there needles involved? Does he talk to his penis and think he's going to let it down? Was he peeing on a mound of dirt? I'm so fucking confused. I'm sure that most men consider their penis their "sweetest friend" but do they really keep up a dialog with it and write a song such as "Hurt" for it?
Iris, I literally spit my tortilla chip all over my monitor reading your reply just now.
Sorry about your monitor, Maise, but I really was confused by just what this reporter guy was trying to say. I mean maybe he's onto something here about Trent's inspiration. I tell you one thing..."Hurt" is a completely different song if you read the lyrics from a penis's perspective.
Nowadays, it could be about Trent's battles with erectile dysfunction?
"upon my liar's chair/full of broken thoughts/I cannot repair."
Or maybe he's been having some problems with kidney stones and has had to pay a visit or two to the proctologist? "The needle tears a hole/the old familar sting/try to kill it all away/but I remember everything."
No, no, no. It can't be about erectile dysfunction. Think about it, Maise. He wrote that song back in his youth when the hips were going full time. I think those lyrics are clearly describing some kind of piercing procedure that went very, very wrong. It could totally be plausible. Remember back in the early days when he had the oh so cute septum piercing. He hadn't even wrote "Closer" yet but he was already think about "fucking like an animal". You know, a bull.
Iris, thank you for posting the links to those pics. Trent didn't have to be 42, wearing a military shirt and tie and fisting gloves to look completely retarded.
People, he was ALWAYS fashion-challenged. Let's not forget.
Oh, and I think I hate Alessandro for posting this pic on the NIN blog. I don't care how cute or Italian he is.
Re: an earlier comment...
Whoops, not "proctologist." Urologist. Wrong end. Sorry, Trent.
Last night I came across another interesting album of NIN tour madness. Including some candids of Josh, Alessandro and the great Dave Grohl.
And for those here who still drool over that uniform, could you explain this to me? Because this is the most impressive wardrobe...invention I have seen yet.
I agree, I mean I know his fashion sense has never been great, but this has got to stop. I say the minute he gets back to the states, we grab him, hog tie him and bring him before THE GUNN.
He'll know what to do....
Who put Trent's stage clothes in the dryer?
Ooooh, heads are gonna ROLL.
Hey Danny A why isn't your buddy pictured here?
Cause those are the Irish ones.
Iris - you are right. Full committment people.
I am really ill right now and you guys have really brightened my day with the Hurt jokes and clothing snark.
Sorry to hear that you're sick Zee. Hope you get feeling better soon.
And OH ALESSANDRO! Not you too with the manpris! Seriously people, WTF?
Some woman left a comment in the last NIN photo thingy desperate to know if Trent was going out with Jessica Simpson and he should have more taste than that which apparently was some joke "wearing these chains" thing - good job!
Gabriel that picture was and still is by far the most BRILLIANT thing you've ever created.
I saw that old pic this morning and thought of you guys. :) I laughed so hard at that the first time I saw it...
Thanks Iris.
But holy wow, that image is still circulating? Well done Gabe. I'd buy you a beer if I could do so legally and if I was even in the same country as you.
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