Don't you know your grin has always
been our sunshine?
Let that sunshine show.
Come on, Trent
No need to frown
Deep down you know tomorrow is your toy...
When the days get heavy
Never pitter patter
Up and at'em boy
Some day, sweet as a song
Trent's lucky day will come along
Till that day
You've got to stay strong, Trent
Up on top is right where you belong
Look up, Trent
You'll see a star
Just follow it and keep your dreams in view
Pretty soon the sky is going to clear up, Trent,
Cheer up Trent Reznor, do
Cheer up, Trent.
Just be glad you're you.
Okay, so maybe every other entry in this blog is about Trank and his Nails of Nine Inches, but come on, did you really expect anything different from us? Jezebel checks in on Amy Winehouse daily. Defamer always gives us the lowdown on Lilo. Pitchfork pretentiously champions...shit we've never heard of. And Perez Hilton has Fidel Castro.
Anyway, we give Trent a lot of shit here, for his artistic decisions and temper flareups and most certainly his wardrobe, but we just want him to know that we love him and are genuinely sorry to hear that he's having a rough time. I mean, I could have fucking told him he'd reach this point eventually because he's always fucking crabby in Europe and especially in Germany, for some reason, but no matter...the point is that we support you, Trent. And we mean that in a surprisingly sincere and snark-free way.**
**ironic kitten aside
There's another part to the saga as well...
Part Deux
After having lived through all that on the comments blog, I feel almost as spent...
You know I should really check all the links in a post before I comment. Sorry, he's not the only one who's had a shitty day!
No problem, Persephone!
I imagine the comments are a pit of despair since Trent said the words "I quit."
Oh, and who is that merrily going on and on about "The King of Kong" regardless of Trent's shitty mood?
True dat. Some do actually believe he might quit. I, however, think hell will freeze over before that happens.
Yeah, that Josh....way to make things funny...yet incredibly awkward at the same time....
Damn Persephone! Do you have our blog on like speed dial? This post has only been up for a matter of minutes!
I feel bad for Trent. It can't be any fun when shit goes wrong. I can't imagine the heads that rolled on this night.
And what the fuck is the movie "The King of Kong"? Is this going to be another one of those crappy things I'll just have to go check out just to be in "the know". I don't know if I want to suffer through another. The Christ Clone Trilogy about killed me as it was.
Also, I don't think Trent could have pronounced "Rock am See" more spitefully.
I know there's been some speculation as to whether or not that's Josh Freese but I'm thinking that has to be him. Who else would be brave enough to interrupt Trent during a rant like that with some stupid movie shit? No one that's who. Josh Freese KNOWS he's the golden boy and that he's immune from being fired.
Oh who you kidding Persephone? We already know you have the logo tattooed. It's okay. So does Gabriel.
Ah, frivolous youth! *sniff*
You know he and I should get together and compare.....
Still....I would probably die laughing if "TR" took me up on my offer....
You know I was wondering about something. Has anyone here paid close enough attention to the comments section to notice someone posting under TR?
Oh man, I can't handle reading those comments for more than a minute at a time. The idiocy is overwhelming.
Oh, and before JR and A-man and Gabriel let loose on this entry, let me just point pre-emptively out that YES, Trent is being immature and is throwing a tantrum and no, it's not particularly an attractive trait at 42.
But can't we all relate to that moment on a trip abroad when you're tired and crabby and things aren't going well and you're running into unhelpful people, and you have this moment of "FUCK THIS!" I certainly have, and that's what I totally sympathize with.
Trent's been touring a LONG time, and we all know he's a crabby old man. He's bound to have fits of pique...he probably has like 9,000 a day, and this is the one that gets filmed.
Meanwhile, heh heh, he has not improved international relations over at I'm glad *we* all get along over here. We're like a Model UN.
Iris, to answer your question according to the IMDB the "King of Kong" is about the following:
A middle-school science teacher and a hot sauce mogul vie for the Guinness World Record on the arcade classic, Donkey Kong.
In 1982, LIFE Magazine assembled the worlds greatest gamers for a photo shoot that would become the center spread of their 1982 Year-In-Photos edition. Billy Mitchell, who would later be named the Gamer of the Century, was one of the invitees.
Mitchell, the World Record holder on Centipede, had been tracking the score on Donkey Kong, and knew he could take that title as well. In front of the 20 best gamers in the world, Billy scored 874,300 points, a record many thought would never be broken.
In 2003, 35 year old family man Steve Wiebe, after losing his job at Boeing, found solace in Donkey Kong. Steve stumbled upon Billy Mitchells record online, and set out to break it. He began perfecting his game every night after his wife and kids went to bed, and not only surpassed Billys record, but ended up with a thought-to-be-impossible 1,000,000 points.
A tidal wave of media coverage followed, and Steve Wiebe quickly became a celebrity in his hometown of Seattle, WA. He also rediscovered his love for teaching, and regained the respect of all who once doubted him. Meanwhile, back in Hollywood, FL, Billy Mitchell hatched a plan to reclaim his fallen Donkey Kong record
In the months that followed, Steve and Billy engaged in a cross-country duel to see who could set the high score that would be included in the 2007 Guinness World Records book and become The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. Along the way, both men learned valuable lessons about what it means to be a father, a husband, and a true champion discovering that you don't always need to win to be a winner.
Now aren't you glad I told you all that? I think 35yr old men should find something more interesting to do with their lives personally, or maybe even get a life!
As for Trent being crabby, I remember getting off a transatlantic flight to the UK (with food poisoning and jet lag), and throwing a whopping tantrum (at my poor husband) because the nearest toilets were closed for cleaning and I found this totally unacceptable because they'd obviously done it just to inconvenience me.
I agree though, not an attractive trait to have and I'm 1 year older than Trent but don't say FUCK quite as often! LOL
Myself, I'm having a hard time deciding whether I want to express my sympathy and understanding or laugh my ass off at the histrionics.
Well, it looks like international relations have settled down over there for the time being. The Italy show appears to have gone well...but now we're headed back to Germany...
As of right now, I can say only this: Pray.
Seriously, though, if he can't look on the bright side of Munich (a GORGEOUS city), then that's just sad.
You know, as I've mentioned in a previous comment, I'm feeling right royally shit right now, but in a weird way this actually makes me feel better.
Don't think I'm being callous or that I'm particularly into the schadenfreude of this, but it's sort of a "Oh look, someone else is fucked off too".
Still thinkin' he got a bit OTT with it, but hey, it's Trent Reznor, I don't think he's ever been a ray of sunshine.
I would extend my sympathies were it not for the fact that I'm totally dying right now and I'm far too busy being selfish and pitying myself. I'll put my Fangirl head on and join in the "Aww, Trent :<" when I'm feeling more human.
That was a lovely poem. I thought it was clever because of the mildly patronizing tone. You could use that for a greeting card, for a person with a great sense of humor. I am being sincere.
I've come to the conclusion that mostly everyone on PP has had a shitty week/month. Myself included. Perhaps we should start a "woe is me" blog.
Ironic kitten hugs to all.
Why, thank you, Lavender, but I can't take credit for the song lyrics, which I lovingly ripped off from this movie.
Oh how stupid of me! I love that movie too. I'm no pop culture queen. At any rate, they are fitting lyrics for Trent's trying times.
Alright, fine.
"he probably has like 9,000 {tantrums} a day, and this is the one that gets filmed...
And POSTED TO YOUTUBE, Maise. That shit doesn't post itself, and not under the username "ninofficial", at that.
Trent is being a big, whiny, 42 year old brat. Let's not forget that there *could* be very good, legitimate reasons for the wrong power being supplied, reasons that have nothing to do with the promoter.
Let's also not forget that Trent didn't have to sell his performance that night to that promoter, and even in so doing was still able to make specific requests (demands?) in the contract, and make sure that they are followed, or...gasp...not perform due to violation of contract.
But that wouldn't allow for a genuine rock-n-roll tantrum, would it?
Three words: OVER THE HILL.
Goddammit, what a baby.
Mmmm, just booking my spa appointment in Vegas for next weekend...I can't wait! I love spas, especially those aromatherapy body wrap things and when they give you a nice scalp massage. I could do without the cheesy music, but it doesn't detract from the experience either.
Oh, what was that? JR's all outraged by something?
Trent's being pretty ridiculous by declaring that an entire continent should be fucked because of this bad experience, but I can see why he'd be angry at this particular promoter. Promises weren't kept, and it's not the sort of thing you can figure out til you get there. He really wants to put on a nice long show for the kids with all the bells and whistles, and it pisses him off when he can't do that. Plus, he's a control freak, and nothing about the way these festivals are run is in his hands.
Again, I've totally had that "I've had it!" moment while abroad. It's usually when unfortunate things keep piling up, and the person you're looking to for help keeps telling you, "It can't be done." So I feel him on that.
But for the good of internationl relations and to avoid looking like a baby, he really should try to get over it. Maybe he should consider going to a spa and getting a nice massage or something...
Well since he's headed for China next week I say he needs to schedule an acupuncture appointment and get his positive energy flow readjusted.
Well, here is the fallout from Konstanz. This is one of the translations a German fan did on the blog:
* I was among the fans who attended their Rock am See gig and I can confirm that the article on,2781962 states that the promoter had to pay them approx. 30,000 dollars to compensate for the lack of power - otherwise they'd refuse to play.
* The article also states that the band had even asked for 50,000 dollars in the beginning, but payment was refused by ARMIN NISSEL, managing director of KOKO Entertainment.
* ARMIN NISSEL is also quoted calling TR a "manic" and states that all requirements made by the band had been fulfilled. Yeah right...
* It's true, Rock am See and the newspaper the article is in - the "Südkurier", are business partners, so we probably shouldn't give a damn, BUT... being a local I know that it's the newspaper everyone in the area reads every day and this ARMIN NISSEL guy also
organises another large German Open Air Festival (=Southside Festival). So if NISSEL is wrong like TR claims, the band should consider taking legal actions against them to set an example and to prevent the same bullshit from happening again. If the band doesn't do anything about these allegations we can be fairly sure that what the article says is actually true and TR doesn't care about the fans. I just want this matter to be taken care of.
Trent is the original Bridezilla. If you want to see real tantrums go to a wedding that's not "going as planned" and watch the bride have a shit fit.
Being a control freak myself I really understand the irritation Trent must be feeling.
From what I understand...the backstory is this: Trent has certain requirements for his shows and the festival promoters promise to provide everything. Then NIN show up with all their equipment and nothing is what it should be. I don't know anyone (regardless of their age) who wouldn't be at least a little pissed.
Trent is well known for his's part of the attraction.
"Trent is the original Bridezilla. If you want to see real tantrums go to a wedding that's not "going as planned" and watch the bride have a shit fit."
NOW we know why Trent is still unmarried.
Can you imagine?
Maise, Iris, for what it's worth, that was another impression I walked away with-never wanting to be on the receiving end of his rage...
I used to think it was sexy that he got all worked up. Now it just feels like so much impotent whining, and it's seriously getting old.
If he was so upset, he should have returned the money he was paid and not performed at all. That way he could have left his artistic integrity intact.
Well, if you look at it from the point of view of the average NIN fan...let's say, you're planning to see NIN at a music festival, and maybe NIN is the main reason you bought tickets. It's like, would you rather have NIN put on a show and bitch about it afterwards via immature blog posts and YouTube videos, or would you rather Trent just suddenly canceled the show you'd been looking forward to for however long? And I feel like that's the perspective from which he's looking at it too. So while it cannot be denied that he is being pissy and Bridezilla-y (LOL on your post about that, JR), I think it's better for him to be a bitch than to just cancel shows willy-nilly.
I saw NIN at the Leeds festival and they were the only reason I bought a ticket for the Friday + it's near my home town and the thought of Trent almost on my doorstep was too good to be true LOL The set was fantastic but if I'd have arraived after enduring a 2hr traffic jam to find he'd thrown a hissy fit and cancelled I would have been seriously pissed as well as being £63 out of pocket, and that's not even including my petrol. Of late I can't say that I'm impressed with the revised NIN site which has sod all on it except a load of whiny teenagers who can't spell or, in some cases, even form a coherent sentence and I'm concerned about the Spiral overhaul as I doubt it will improve. I'm even still waiting for my fan club stuff and I paid for that 11 months ago - good service eh?
But, that said, it won't stop me going to his gigs because I love his music and have done since the start, I just hope he stops acting like an immature prat and gets things sorted. Oh and he should get rid of Rob too, that man is rubbish and wouldn't know a good photograph if it came up and slapped him.
Well on a completely different note..
Hey, Everyone! Check out this picture of Trent's butt!
HA! Can't tell if it's the resolution of my screen but he looks furry! Will have to check those out better when I get home.
I love a hairy man LOL
Angelman, is that you?
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