posted by Trent Reznor with the caption,
"even better than the real thing!"
"even better than the real thing!"
Trent is this some new form of marketing you're doing? Are you going to turn NIN into the next KISS? -shakes head- Well at least Barbie will finally have a bad boy to date and quit having to suffer through it with Ken.
I'd have loads more snarky things to say if it weren't for this damned migrane. Have at it kids.
If I had one of those I'd make my own Trent sitcom episodes for the web.
At least his action figure channels his inner Davy Jones.
If you thought it was a bitch always losing Barbie's shoes and hairbrush, wait till you lose Trentie's fisting gloves and eyeliner...he'll personally show up at your house and help you look for them, and IT WON'T BE PRETTY.
Seriously, though--three words: Jumped.The.Shark.
I think the KoRn dolls looked better.
Wonder if it's a talking doll.
Holeeeey Shit!
Am I ever ready for my illegal contraband search now!!!
What a way to start off the new year!
Well, you be careful, Lavender, or you'll have some 'splaining to do at the emergency room.
Here's news, does this mean Trent will be handing out P45s to the band after Hawaii? (Note P45 is a form in the UK for tax when you lose your job)
Bit of a shame, if I was there I'd be shedding a tear or two
Hmmm, after reading that, it seems the doll is just step one in project Improve Trent's Personal Bottom Line.
Maybe it's just a fan-made thing? I actually know some people who are editing those horrifically creepy Japanese Ball Jointed Dolls with Sculpy to make horrifically creepy Mini Trents.
(Google 'Super Dollfie' if you don't know what I'm talking about. Creepy creepy creepy)
Okay, I think I'm just playing devils advocate.
Maybe Trent's finally gone mad. Maybe the next album's going to be Aphex Twin-esque noise made entirely by feeding photos of his genitals through a spectrograph. or maybe the photos will be of George Bush, I guess it depends how avant garde he's feeling.
I am 100% in favor of Trent switching up the lineup. I mean, I don't want to see a repeat of his Spinal Tap-esque drummer chaos, but having seen four shows with this lineup, I can attest that things are definitely starting to get a little old. Good for you, Trent!
Well I can't say that I'll be sorry to see Aaron North get ditched from the lineup. I hate that little flying twerp. And I suppose I'll even be okay with Alessandro getting the boot. I think he's rapidly reaching his Hot Italian Guy expiration date. He's cut his hair but something still lacking from when I first laid eyes on him. Josh was always just a temporary fill so...yeah. And Jeordie's just so damned quiet I don't think anyone would have noticed anyways. It’ll be nice to see a “new” show next time they come around because I’ll probably still go if they come anywhere close. I never turn down an opportunity to go meet up with Maise and talk NIN. It’ll be interesting to see who Trent gets as the replacements.
HA! Zee I took you up on the dollfie thing. You're right. Super creepy. But check this out. I can buy miniture Trent boots and they're only $20 if I "Buy it Now". I think I know what I making everyone for Christmas. lol!
Also, yeah, I'd like to see a new lineup or new delivery or whatever. As I've mentioned before (and whined about at length), I haven't seen them live, but just seeing BYIT and some assorted videos on the internet, I would be a happy little bunny if Aaron North got ousted.
Also Iris, I'm really glad you're all the way in America and I'm safe in England so I don't end up receiving a Creepy Mini Trent. D:
Also also also one day I'll stop preceding every sentence with also.
Oh whatevs Zee. You know you'd love to have a mini Trent doll. You could stage your own "live" shows with it, amoung other things. *ahem* But fine. Have it your way. I guess Maise will just have to tell you how awesome her Perfect Drug Era Trent doll is and you can be super jealous in far off England. :p
I really worry about grown-ups obsessed with dolls...
The only doll I like is the creepy one in Argento's Deep Red...
Argento, anyone?
So Dan are you saying you wouldn't want the Glenn Danzig doll I was planning for you? Such a shame because I totally found the perfect outfit for him.
Iris, baby, just google...
There already IS a DANZIG DOLL...
On a side note - is it possible to be in a really bad mood forever... I seem to be testing that theory lately...
Well fine then. Just be that way. I thought I would do something nice. I hope you get coal in your stocking Mister.
Iris, can I have my Martin Gore doll early?
And Danny boy, no, once you finally get your period it goes away for a few weeks (the bad mood, that is).
Hold on, hold on, Perfect Drug? I retract my statements, I would totally have a Creepy Mini Trent if we're talking Perfect Drug Creepy Mini Trent.
But only if it comes with the silver-headed walking cane too. It's stylin' is what it is.
I don't know what to say to that thing. D:
Does anybody else immediately think of "New kids on the block" when they see this pic?
Dudes, check this out, if you haven't seen it already:
I love El Rezzo.
So basically, in that video, Trent advocates a totally sensible practice of stealing what is outrageously overpriced (i.e., his album in Australia). I would like to apply this reasoning to designer handbags.
For example, when I was in Vegas, I spotted one of these and had a moment of girly consumerist lust. I love purses that look a little unusual without being downright fugly. Needless to say, I hardly have $425 to put *into* my purse, let alone to spend on one. So in Trent's world, I should totally just be able to take it.
But yesterday, I was at a craft fair working a greyhound rescue booth, and I was able to purchase one of these. Mine isn't pictured on the website, unfortunately. It's really pretty, some of my money goes to a good cause, and the best part? It was only $25 at the fair. A much better deal.
What a conscientious purchase.
Let's look at the scenario if you would have bought the $425 Dooney + Bourke bag:
-"Nice bag"
M: "Yeah, I got it in Vegas. It was $425. Say, can I borrow a buck for some coffee? I spent all my money shopping, and what little I had left, I lost gambling."
-"Um, I gotta go."
Let's see what will happen now with your beautiful, new Malia handbag:
-"Say, nice bag!"
M: "Yeah, I got it at a craft fair while I was working with a greyhound rescue group. It was ONLY $25 and proceeds go to a worthy cause- helping victims of human trafficking!"
-"Wow! Where can I get one?!!! You do rescue work for greyhounds? That's great! What a horrible and sickening industry. You really are a great human being Maise!"
Yes, my smugness level is totally elevated now. ;)
You should try working for a non-profit. Then it'll just ooze out of your pores.
Okay dudes. So I'm checking in on nin.com, like I do everyday at lunch, and I have to say WHAT THE FUCK? Trent doll now has a Rob Sheridan marionette? Or is it Alessandro? Either way WHAT THE FUCK GUYS!
I commend Trent in the video Kimmerly linked up to. It would be interesting for some of these kids who are getting busted for illegally downloading music to say in court "but the artist told me to". I'm not sure that's a defense they've heard too often.
Maise - if you want to see some really crazy prices on handbags you come visit LA.
Angelman gets so frustrated when a bag he likes is out of his price range.
You wonder where his rage comes from? Now you know.
Check out the Fendi "B.Bag" - it will only cost you 35K!
B.C. only purchases handbags that cost the same as the annual income of the average family of four in Norman, Oklahoma.
B.C. COLLECTS handbags. He goes to Hermes in Paris allll the time.
B.C. was the reason that Oprah wasn't let in, causing that big scandal. Imagine, telling the Hermes manager, "Don't you let that Oprah Winfrey in here, or you'll lose a customer for life!"
I don't think that "Agreeing To Store Your Handbags at My Place Because Your Girlfriend Was Starting to Think You Were Acting Gay" really counts as collecting handbags myself, Angelman.
Dear Readers, did you know that B.C. and Angelman once went together to one of those little artsy-craftsy boutiques where you can design your own handbag? OMG, they were just the cutest! With their custom handbags and a couple of beers...
Maise, are you posting your creepy sexual fantasies as truth again?
Homegirl needs to get LAID.
I call them man-purses.
And dude, for a man who waxes his entire body and likes to wear cut-off jean shorts and half-shirts with George Michael on them, you are one to talk.
Who doesn't love George Michael? Hater.
OMG, can we talk about B.C's Bedazzler?
I want your sex.
You can be my father figure, Angelman.
I'm never gonna dance again
Guilty feet have got no rhythm
Though it's easy to pretend
I know your not a fool
oh, and BC...
Tonight the music seems so loud
I wish that we could lose this crowd
Maybe it's better this way
We'd hurt each other with the things we'd want to say
We could have been so good together
We could have lived this dance forever
But no one's gonna dance with me
Please stay
Wake me up before you go-go
Don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo
Wake me up before you go-go
I don't wanna miss it when you that high.
Thansk for ruining a genuine moment.
Some people work for a living
Some people work for fun
BC I just work for you
If my best isn’t good enough
Then how can it be good enough for two???
where is a saxophone solo when you need one?
I want your sax.
I'll Kenny G you anytime, BC.
I fucking love Wham!
I don't care who knows.
I must scream it to the world! I will shout it from the rooftops!
Oh, I forgot to say that this is Kim, not that that wasn't obvious. Iris directed me here after we talked on Myspace a bit, lol.
I love Trent for saying "Steal it!", just because he can say that and get away with it, haha. His fans are a little on the crazy side, though, so they might be literal about it and go steal the overpriced CDs, rather than download it. I agree with Iris, though... it'd be interesting to see what would happen when the defense is, "But the artist TOLD me to do it!" and there's actual proof of the artist saying to steal his work, hah.
I love Wham, too, but if you tell anyone, I'll tell them that you meet up with George Michael in men's airport bathrooms.
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