Before I talk about the concert, my apologies for posting this so long after the fact. Work’s been sucking my will to live lately. But I’ll be honest: I’ve been lazy. After all, hard work pays off after time but laziness pays off right now.
So yeah, the Editors concert. Held in Chicago’s Park West, this is one of my favorite concert venues in the city. It’s nice to get both relatively cheap tickets and to be able to actually see the performers up close and personal. And thanks to a friend who knew someone working the venue, we snagged a kick ass private booth right up in the front. Rock on!
When we arrived, one of the opening bands, Ra Ra Riot, was on stage. We were only able to catch a couple of their songs before their set ended. They seemed to maintain a good energy with a mostly nonplussed crowd. I haven’t heard a lot of their music, but they seemed fun. I wished they had played second so that I could have caught their entire set, especially after hearing what was to come.
Up next was Biffy Clyro. In a word: YUCK. Basically, the lead singer and bass player played the entire set slumped over so that they looked largely like Cousin It bookends. All they needed was a derby hat to complete the effect.
So yeah, the Editors concert. Held in Chicago’s Park West, this is one of my favorite concert venues in the city. It’s nice to get both relatively cheap tickets and to be able to actually see the performers up close and personal. And thanks to a friend who knew someone working the venue, we snagged a kick ass private booth right up in the front. Rock on!
When we arrived, one of the opening bands, Ra Ra Riot, was on stage. We were only able to catch a couple of their songs before their set ended. They seemed to maintain a good energy with a mostly nonplussed crowd. I haven’t heard a lot of their music, but they seemed fun. I wished they had played second so that I could have caught their entire set, especially after hearing what was to come.
Up next was Biffy Clyro. In a word: YUCK. Basically, the lead singer and bass player played the entire set slumped over so that they looked largely like Cousin It bookends. All they needed was a derby hat to complete the effect.
And it didn’t help that half the band was shirtless when it really would have been preferable to have their scrawny torsos covered. Plus? Their music SUCKED. As my friend pointed out, “That sounds like something my three-year-old nephew would sing.” Word. It was a lot of noise without a lot of substance. They even trotted out some annoying, whiny emo-wannabe ballads. I preferred the screaming to the whining, but really, I just wanted some silence to enjoy my martini and get my buzz on.
The Editors were a welcome relief to the noise that had come before. They did a lively set that included all of the best, most upbeat songs from The Back Room and An End Has a Start. I was concerned that they may focus too heavily on AEHAS as that album tends to be kind of depressing. Some of those songs are quite dirge-like. But they smartly avoided the more depressing numbers in favor of more up-tempo choices, such as “Racing Rats” and “Spiders”. They also included a fair amount of songs from The Back Room, including fan-favorites “Munich”, “Blood”, and “Fingers in the Factory”. All in all, the set was fun and lively though I did wish they’d played “French Disco”, which is my favorite song of theirs. But they definitely earned my money for the evening.
OK…so now for two gripes.
#1. Lead singer Tom Smith REALLY needs to eat a sandwich, or ten. I find his voice to be incredibly soothing, and he’s adorable in an Orlando Bloom sort of way. In fact, I’ve been harboring a huge crush on him for some time now. Look how cute he is!

The Editors were a welcome relief to the noise that had come before. They did a lively set that included all of the best, most upbeat songs from The Back Room and An End Has a Start. I was concerned that they may focus too heavily on AEHAS as that album tends to be kind of depressing. Some of those songs are quite dirge-like. But they smartly avoided the more depressing numbers in favor of more up-tempo choices, such as “Racing Rats” and “Spiders”. They also included a fair amount of songs from The Back Room, including fan-favorites “Munich”, “Blood”, and “Fingers in the Factory”. All in all, the set was fun and lively though I did wish they’d played “French Disco”, which is my favorite song of theirs. But they definitely earned my money for the evening.
OK…so now for two gripes.
#1. Lead singer Tom Smith REALLY needs to eat a sandwich, or ten. I find his voice to be incredibly soothing, and he’s adorable in an Orlando Bloom sort of way. In fact, I’ve been harboring a huge crush on him for some time now. Look how cute he is!

But seriously? You could see every single bone poking through his fitted white button down. The Scott Weiland-inspired manorexia is NOT an attractive look. It makes me want to stuff him full of my mom’s lasagna and carrot cake.

As someone who tends to talk with my hands, particularly when I’m nervous, I understand the unconscious flailing. But you know what? I sit on my hands so that I don’t pull a Three Stooges triple slap eye poke. I realize that’s not a practical thing for a musician to do (though that would certainly make for an interesting show!), but perhaps a Toastmasters lesson could cure him.

So overall, the show was solid, and I’d recommend seeing them should they come to town. Just make sure to sit at least and arm’s length away from Tom or he may just put your eye out.

So overall, the show was solid, and I’d recommend seeing them should they come to town. Just make sure to sit at least and arm’s length away from Tom or he may just put your eye out.
Ugh, still so sad I missed that one. Sounds like you had an awesome time, though!
And yeah, the lead singer is pretty hot. He doesn't need to be 89 pounds. That's Amy Winehouse's schtick.
I am 6'4", 220 lbs.
You forgot to add "with abs of steel".
Dan, tell us about the time your abs *literally* saved a woman's life.
Oh, and you know why else Scott Weiland is gross? Look at his's like a Ken Doll.
He looks like a shriveled Skeletor.
I would tell you about the time my abs *literally* saved a woman's life - but I was asleep. While I was sleeping my abs rescued a woman and her unborn baby (that she then named after my abs) from a burning building.
So does each muscle have a name, or is it a collective consciousness? I always thought boys only named their willies.
And then there was the time that Angelman was dining in a gourmet vegan restaurant when suddenly he heard a commotion in the kitchen. The head chef had just cut his thumb off with a very sharp knife. And dining in the restaurant at the same time was the LA Times food critic! The owner of the restaurant wailed, "I'll be ruined!!!" Angelman's abs calmly left the table and single-ab-edly cooked 4-star meals for everyone there.
So Angelman, are you planning to come to Chicago this month or what? Because if you visit around the end of the month, you can come to my Big Halloween Bash!
Maise, are you going as Paris's or Brittney's Chihuahua?
There is a chance I may go to Chicago this month... the x-factor is I am taking some night classes at one of the local colleges here and it requires A LOT of reading/studying, this on top of my regular, time-consuming job.
I have to take vacation this month for a bunch of reasons (even them I will not have used all my vacation - so if me, my abs and my woman can get away for a few days that would be awesome. Plus it would cool to meet you guys face to face...
I was thinking of having my abs teach some ab workout classes. You know what is funny? when I went vegan I lost 20 lbs and that is when I realized I had abs before, I just couldn't see them under all the fat.
oh and I _have_ named _all_ my muscles.
And lavender - look for my upcoming video "Abs of THUNDER - Training with Angelman's abs"
Huge internet sensation - I can feel it!
I'll tell you what, come on out to the city, come to my Halloween party...I'll make sure to have some vegan treats on hand for you and your fiancee, and I'm a professional tutor these days, so maybe I can even help you study.
Email me if you make any plans!
Or just send your abs. Whatever works.
What kind of party do you have? I mean I know it's whips and chains but...
What kind of party do I have? Um, the kind that is eagerly anticipated, for which I get way too flustered trying to cook and clean at the last minute. A lot of sitting around and having entertaining discussions takes place. Some of my friends sneak away early, and the rest of us watch a movie or play a board game or something. Then it's over, and I leave the dishes towering in the sink for a week, at least. So maybe that's lame, compared to some, but there is alcohol involved, so that makes everything better. Oh, and it's Halloween, so costumes will be involved.
And Mr. Maise makes some of the best damn drinks in town!
I can't go as Angelman's abs two Halloweens in a row.
Other ideas?
You could maybe go as Angelman's biceps? It is the gun show, right, Dan?
No Maise. You are WRONG on this one. Trent is the one who brings the guns show. I've got the t-shirt to prove it.
And Maise, you know I have the bicep market completely cornered.
This is true. I would eat Trent's biceps if I could.
Well, then, JR, I guess you're forced to dress up as Angelman's brain.
Who gets to be Angelman's gluteus? No offense, Angelman, but I just don't know you that well.
Oh, that's B.C.'s annual costume. He really works it.
BC's an ass man! Who knew???
How great is this tune/video:
For something not my style I think this tune and video are great.
Thanks for the link, Dan. That was awesomely creepy! Those animal masks...[shudder]. But I loved it, and the song was really good. C'mon, Angelman, deep deep deep down, you know it's totally your style.
I think he was scouting for potential Halloween costumes when he was watching this video. Which one you going to be DA?
Def. the wolf.
OMG! If you go as that you definitely need to carry around your boom box (I know you still have one somewhere) and play Duran Duran's "Hungry Like the Wolf". Come on! You know you'll want to.
Megadeth's "Warchest" boxset came out today. Everyone please go out and purchase it so that we may discuss.
Sure, babe, I'll get right on that.
Speaking of discussion, any thoughts on all the bands acting independently of record labels, a la Radiohead, Trent, Oasis, etc.?
Is it okay if I discuss the box set based on the advance copy I have?
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