The Hindenburg. The Titanic. The attack on Pearl Harbor. The day Trent Reznor got en...I can't even say it.
Look, people, I don't know what's what. I just got back from Hawaii with a sunburn and a stye on my right eyelid, and I swam with sharks and did all kinds of cool things. I come back to read a lot of inane Twittering, Trent wanting to beat people up by the flagpole at 3, Anonymi spouting hatred over shit that's really none of their business...
Oh wait, that's right...Trent Reznor's personal life is NONE of our business!
So it's not being discussed here. Nothing to see, people. Move along. If you start getting nasty and personal, you will be swiftly deleted, as was always the rule around these parts. God knows I don't need Trent trying to PHYSICALLY find me. Also, news and gossip of this nature interferes with my personal delusions, so I'm just going to ignore it.
Besides, we've always had plenty to discuss in the past without debating the merits of those in personal relationships with Trent: his music, his concerts, his online crabbiness, his killer fashion sense, how much Billy Corgan sucks, JR's job and fountain pop, Dan's favorite thrash bands, other random shit. Let's get to it.
I agree, Maise. But just so you know, if TR starts offering rewards and backstage tickets for information about the real person posting under his dead dog's moniker I'm totally turning your ass in. We can still be friends though, right?
Hm, wonder if I'd get anything for turning myself in...?
Also wonder if I would be in more or less trouble, since a dearly departed *dog* is involved...
Oh, I'll give y'all something to talk about that's related to that job o' mine.
Remember I mentioned recently that it dawned on me that I have a [huge] crush on my protege, and I think it's mutual? So, yeah, he's been on my mind.
Then, last night, there was a show...I took a picture (yet another facet of my job), and forgot I had left the flash on from some pictures I took earlier, and one of the ushers/in house security personnel (who has a reputation around town as a playa), leaned in and told me no flash.
I was so mad because he's out of fucking line (he has in the past told me not to use my camera until I pointed to my badge - annoying), doesn't he know who I am? And it was an accident, duh.
So then...
Slapped him.
I slapped an usher.
(An usher with a reputation for being a playa.)
The whole thing was SO deeply awkward and weird, I pretty much ran out of there. I ran in and told my second-in-command, and explained that to say I slapped F*** was overstating it; I really was trying more to be condescending, and would have just imperiously (is that a word?) patted him on the shoulder with disdain, but there were a lot of people and he was leaning in, so the only option I had was his face. I didn't hit it hard, and because he's a playa, he probably thought I was coming on to him.
And who do you think supervises this person? My protege. I ran into him outside just after, and because we are so friendly, I was mostly just wanting to vent and tell someone, and as I did, I realized that this was also the person who supervises F***...still, I said, "I just slapped F***!" He laughed it off, and just asked if he was "getting hands-y."
So it's going to be fine - in the future, F*** will either totally avoid me or think I'm keen on him. I still feel deeply awkward about it, but I'll survive.
Then, upon further reflection, I realized that it wasn't just because F*** was leaning in that I grabbed onto his face - it's totally because of this preoccupation with my protege. Eek. I'd slap that face in the nicest way possible.
He's totally adorable, though, and so polite! [There's more there, but enough's enough for one night.]
So, anyway, I Slapped A Colleague.
WTF, JR? You're crushing on one co-worker and going all Zsa Zsa Gabor on another? And what does "slapped him in the nicest way possible" mean? There's either a slap or a caress but there's no politely slapping someone.
Iris, you've got it all wrong.
I'm crushing on my protege, my former employee whom I've been (successfully) mentoring for the past two years - he is now a peer, though I am still mentoring him. And now that I'm no longer his supervisor, it's like it's okay to realize he's completely adorable. And *he* is the one that I would slap in the nicest way possible. Oh yeah.
But the other subordinate? The playa? Yeah, I guess I kinda went a little Zsa Zsa on him. But if the move in question was really meant for F*** (instead of my protege, M****), it *would* have been a slap. Instead, it was this weird slap/caress thing, because of the fact that I'm so preoccupied. Like if you were to call your husband Trent by mistake...that sort of thing.
My advice for pesky work crushes? Get to know the object of your crush. Get to know him so well that you can identify the things about him that totally annoy you. The things that make you say, oh God, I don't even want to fuck him now. Those things exist. Trust me.
That's one I can never mess up. If I were to mistakenly call hubby Trent then there would be no more hubby.
And this is funny. First the back story post from TR. Then his response to some guy who dared...well...I'm not entirely sure what he dared to do but it pissed off El Rez. I'll post here because it seems that El Rez isn't entirely sure how he wants to tell this kid to fuck off. At this time, he's already edited his post twice.
BillBailey posted:
I think it was a Cobain diss..I do not think it had anything to do with because T thinks Nirvana is influential and was making a point..I think it was more along the lines of well everyone thinks Nirvana and Kurt were so anti-establishment and yet they sold out for wal mart....Cobain wrote "serve the servants" and "negative creep"...he is cemented in rock lore for eternity..right next to jim morrison and eddie money
Shut the fuck up about the Nirvana diss. You have fucking Axl Rose as your profile pic. Enough said.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/03/2009 09:53PM by trent_reznor.You tell him, Sparklepants, and then you edit and re-tell him. YEAH! Take that, punk!
See, that's what I love about Trent. He gets pissed at some random comment on his message board, tells the kid to fuck off, then gets something to eat or takes a shower or walks the dogs and thinks, "Dammit, I should have said something about his Axl Rose profile pic!" So our Trent takes the time to fix his comeback just the way he wants it. Because editing is important. He knows that from the days of "Purest Feeling."
Purest Feeling! waaaaah-wah-wah
Maise, that is sage advice, but the thing is that I know him well, and the more I get to know him, THE MORE I LIKE HIM. [The only thing, so far, is these horrible black sneakers - it's like, you're not 19 anymore, you know?]
But two other complicating factors are this - one, HE'S MY PROTEGE. And I feel very protective of him. So I feel this weird semi-narcissism thing in finding him attractive. Two, my boss (with whom I'm quite close, and with whom I share an adjoining office, and who lives four doors down, etc., etc., is getting a little miffed about my fraternizing wtih M****. It's like the only work friend I'm supposed to have is my boss (who is the Executive Director, hence, EVERYONE'S boss), and I can't tell if he's jealous of M**** for being friendly with me, or with me for being friendly with M**** (cause I think he likes M****, too!). There is a real Michael Scott/Ryan The Temp thing going on between the two of them, for all you Office fans (and I always thought M**** was more of a Jim).
Oh, on another work front - we have a new incoming chair of our board, and I have a feeling that we're going to have problems with him getting too involved in operations...if any of y'all know anything about nonprofit organizations, they are governed by boards, who provide overall guidance and governance; the day to day operations are handled by staff. That's why there is a staff.
Oh, and guess what else? This new board chair is besties with my boss. In fact, I have spent two holidays with said incoming chair and my boss (Thanksgiving and Easter). So it's all very friendlyfriendly, but I wonder if my boss is going to have a hard time telling his friend and new boss to butt out of day to day stuff...I can overhear their phone conversation right now (adjoining office!), and the incoming chair is questioning why we ran out of beer on Saturday, why the ushers didn't stop some people who snuck down to different seats and were then belligerent, etc., etc. Um, not your job much?
Jesus Christ.
The next three years are going to be interesting.
What it must be like to have a protege? Actually JR aren't you married?
God I hate managers who have to micro-manage everything, stick their noses in and don't realise they are supposed to be 'bigger picture'
Yup, I'm totally married. But not blind, and I have a roving eye (see here).
And having a protege - actually, I must confess, I have two, and one of them has a mini-protege of his own - is great. It's just mentoring, and it may or may not come as a surprise to you readers, but I'm quite the nurturer. I like bossing people around, it's true, but not just for the sake of being bossy. And my primary protege, M****, has done very well under my tutelage.
As for as managers who don't butt out, I couldn't agree more. The real issue here is that this person (the incoming Chairman of the Board - who has a three year term), doesn't seem to fully grasp that he's not in a management role, but a governance role. He's responsible for leading the team that governs the organization, and being the boss of my boss. Not for worrying about day to day stuff; we get to do that glamorous and sexy job of making sure there is enough beer and that people are dancing where they're supposed to be dancing, and 100 other boring details. He is supposed to stand at the door and welcome people, be an ambassador for the organization in high-flying circles and that kinda stuff.
So what do you look for then - I'm presuming it is more than just looks, and has to be certain charisma in a person for you to go for them?
Not that I keep a list or anything, but the big things are that a person has to be extremely intelligent, passionate about something (usually what they do for work), confident, funny. Generally, I like men who are much older (the "infamous" S is 17 years older, for example - and brilliant, passionate and funny).
For the more obvious things, I like tall, with dark hair.
My protege meets all of these criteria, except that he is about 10 - 15 years younger than I usually go for (he's three years younger than me!) - but he makes up for it with his intellect, his politeness, his work ethic...and his willingness to do things my way! He is also really tall and has dark hair - score!
(See, isn't it more fun to talk about me than Trent? Yeah, it is.)
When I wind up crushing on a guy (harmless mini-crushes, inasmuch as I have no time or desire for actual philandering), the guy usually has two predominant characteristics: 1) funny...any guy who can make me really laugh will turn me on to some extent; 2) any guy who turns me on a lot is inevitably totally emotionally withholding. I give way more than I should on a friendship level in an attempt to compensate for such withholding, and the guy responds by withholding even more, until I ultimately get tired of the bullshit and find another mini-crush.
My husband was the only exception to characteristic #2. And that's why I plan on sticking with him. If I were a free-agent, my love life would be really disastrous and repetitive.
You know what's interesting? When people feel guilty about having crushes. It's like masturbating - it's totally normal, everyone does it, it doesn't make you good or bad for doing or not doing it, it's just a part of life. If you're married or in a relationship, it doesn't mean that anything is wrong, it just means that you're HUMAN. Sheesh.
I don't really feel that guilty over having a crush. It just requires vigilance to make sure it doesn't turn into anything more, as cheating is very hurtful to the wounded party.
We have in our midst an IMPOSTOR. Whoever you are, wherever you came from, get your own damn screen name and leave me to mine. I was here first.
I'm actually rather relieved to hear that, Em. I was like, wow, she really has a bug up her ass about Trent getting en...I still can't say it.
Imposter Em's last comment was deleted...please let me know if there's anything else.
Hey, back here.
I don't know why, I just seem to crush on famous people (my sister and I were absolutely drooling over Dave Mustaine when we saw Megadeth last) - I can't even remember the last time I crushed on anyone I actually know in reality
Dave Mustaine?! Well, I'm sure our Dan can identify with that...
What crazy train? Did I miss something new? Do you mean OUR crazy train? I'm confused.
My crazy train is parked in the office down the hall.
We queued up for hours to get Dave Mustaine's (and the rest of Megadeth) autograph at a HMV instore signing in the early 90s, good times. You have to admit he has nice hair
iris, you're twittering at Trez these days - ever get a reply from the man himself??
Welcome, new haters! Actually, we here at PP enjoy those devil's advocates who challenge our love for Trent, as we did when we wrote for that venerable institution, Wearing These Chains.
In case you didn't read the post above, let me remind you of like the one rule we actually enforce around here: you can call Trent a "45-year-old drama queen"--I mean, that's not really in question, even though he's only going to be 44. But we don't discuss the people with whom he has personal relationships, even if they are on Twitter.
Even though we ourselves are pretty NIN-obsessed, this is not the place to vent your jealousy about the fian...I can't even say it.
The preceding message was brought to you by Grandma Maise.
Darn tootin'
It's hard enough for me to get the hang of this newfangled Intenets, without having to police everybody who wants to call Trent's SO a floozy.
I do have to say (treading carefully) that Trent's Twitter account is one nauseating URL these days.
I have to steal this quote from my good friend (who is no NIN fan): "you think that reznor would have had enough of silly love songs...but i look at his tweets and see it isn't so
oh no"
Well, I for one am very sincerely happy for him and wish him the best. One would think he could at least keep up angsty appearances for this last tour, though...sigh.
I think someone's gonna have to arrange for Apple to screw him over a few times to get the anger back there before his shows! I think MQ has been a bit maligned by rather vicious people on some websites, however doing what trent did after just 2 weeks to someone half his age, still smacks of a mid-life crisis to me, I just hope it doesn't turn into a Paul McCartney / heather mills debacle with everything dragged out in the open on twitter (although if that happened we'd get some cracking music I'll wager). No seriously I do wish them well, I'm not a bitch
Pull the plug Trent. Cut it out. Stop it.
What can we do to help Trent? He's keeps on saying he is so happy and he doesn't need any of us and at the end of the day he sitll has a mess on his hands with this Mariqueen.
I thought we were talking about random things, not Trent's personal life. I guess that's out the window.
On the other hand - Golden Girls on WEtv and The Hallmark Channel? It doesn't get any better than this.
JR where is the meanness when most needed?
I smell a couch jumping in the near future for Trent! pepto bismol please
Jesus Christ. His twitter has gone from endearingly dorky and hilarious to vomit inducing. Anyone want some tickets to the Chicago show? I suddenly no longer feel like going.
It was one thing to know he might be faking all the anger and the stage show a little when he "grew up" and got over his drug addictions but now it's going to be openly faking hardcore while laughing at us and aimlessly doodling little hearts around the edges of the setlists. May as well just replace "Hurt" with "Puppy Love" while he's at it.
And to be clear my issue is not at all with this chic. It's something in the way it's all being handled that just leaves me disappointed in him. We never wanted to see the mad musical scientist behind the curtain because he never wanted to show us. And I thought that worked really well to not have a bunch of other interference when absorbing the music. Now if he'd acted this way over the course of his career and this was "the norm" then that's a whole other thing. But this is just...well...to quote someone else I know, "it's all so TMZ". That's as far as I'm going to delve into that (and I should probably utilize my delete button more since I'm kinda going against our own policy here but whatevs).
Yeah, Isabel, I've sent a few messages TR's way on Twitter but no response and I doubt there will be. Which is still fine by me. It's more like talking to a wall and I'd be surprised as hell to hear it talk back.
Now it's back to the JR show. You suppose you're seeing the Golden Girls on two channels as a marathon tribute or something since Bea Arthur has passed away?
Anonymous, that's exactly what I tweeted (God. Can't they come up with another name for that?) to Trent this morning that Isabel saw. He needs to avoid Oprah like the plague although now that he's all love sick I'm sure he'll go running to her with open arms.
I'm too busy wasting all my time messing around with my protege to be mean. 28 emails in one day!
And the Golden Girls, well...it's just icing on some kinda cake. [The inside is filled with a big ole hunk of 6'2" beefcake with private jokes in staff meetings and a deep voice. Awww. (But really, poor Bea Arthur.)]
And Trent - for chrissakes. It doesn't matter who he got engaged to, everyone would hate her whether she deserved it or not, though this one seems pretty vapid.
I've never read Trent's twitter feed. I'm about to now. Will report back soon.
DON'T DO IT, JR! There's no UN-READING it when you're done. I'm warning you!
Hmmm, not that bad, really.
Wait, wait, wait...
JR, you emailed your protege 28 times today?!
We exchanged 28 emails.
And he dropped a private joke in staff meeting about "the slap."
So I went into his office after staff meeting and slapped him.
Your point, Maise?
Trent drank the Opal from the YZ ARG. It make you become delusional.
Iris - a bit harsh a judgement, after all trent is engaged to a 23 year old and young people can be fucking annoying (no offence to younger readers here), I'm sure there'll be plenty of time for anger once the love goggles have come off.
About random stupid stuff, we've just finished watching the 9 series XFiles box set and I think Robert Patrick was much maligned. My only problem with him was whenever he ran after someone getting into a lift I expected a T1000 thing. I was expecting to hate the last few series, but I really wanted to see more development of RPs and Monica Reyes relationship - it ended so abruptly with absolutely no new information imparted, the last episodes were my major disappointment
PP needs to join this dogfight going on ALL over the web. There is alot of censoring going on at the ETS and NIN.com websites so most people are moving to other websites to write about Trent Reznor's engagement. People are also emailing the Mods at NIN.com and ETS with their thoughts and ETS is posting their private emails online. Most feel that Mariqueen has no voice, class, or brains. Now, the shit is hitting the fan at NIN.com:
(taken from the nin board twitter thread)
"WOW. Holy editing. The minute someone makes a comment about the twitter business, in the appropriate thread I might add, that happens to deviate from the majority, it disppears? Is someone not allowed to say they just don't like what's being twittered? Maybe I don't like hearing about dog piss being twittered, is my post going to get deleted too? Oh wait, it's not about HIS personal life. I suppose that's ok then.
You know what, someone ELSE on twitter (since we're being all super secretive here, I won't name names) has made his life VERY public, so forgive us all when someone happens to voice a freaking opinion on here over the subject.
I'm sorry, if people can't say that sappy talk annoys them, then I'm out of here. I'll stick to the RSS feeds for my news and that's that.
First the girl gets attacked for saying she was just annoyed with the mushy talk and then the posts get outright deleted?
You know, speaking of deletion - I'm sure this is going to be gone in a few as well. But it was sure fun to write and maybe one of you sheep will step back and think for a minute next time."
I think NOT talking about it is stupid. I am hoping VH1 will do an industrial goth version of the Brett Michaels TV show with Trent and MariQueen.
MM 4 EVA--Brian Warner, is that you?!
Look, haters always ask, does Trent pay you for this? The one thing I wish Trent did pay me for was monitoring Mariqueen hate. It's like a fucking full=time job.
Notice that I'm leaving your posts up. That's because you guys (for the most part) kept it civil where MQ is concerned. My personal stand on the issue is that she is a human being, and even if she *is* blissfully (and annoyingly) in love, it can't be easy to have thousands of strangers call her "ugly" or worse. I will not tolerate the "ugly" or worse. Nor will I tolerate generalizations about her personality or intelligence when none of us have ever met the woman. I'm sorry, but obsessively reading her Twitter doesn't count. In your mind, her only real crime is getting engaged to Trent, and I'm sorry, but that's not reason to malign her on MY blog. So it's not going to happen. Leave her alone.
If Trent writes a sappy love song, and it pisses you off, you can say so. If Trent's Twitter love notes make you barf, you can say so. If Trent's sudden yearning for Meg Ryan movies makes you want to get your concert tickets refunded, you can say so.
See the difference? I don't want to be a censor here, but I also refuse to participate in the public burning at the stake that people so desperately want to engage in. Start your own goddamn website if that's what you want to do.
JR, I think you and your protege should Twitter each other.
I personally agree with Digg. The first thing Howard Stern said yesterday morning when Robin told him Reznor was engaged was, "Is she a stripper?" He said, when he went to strip clubs in 90s Reznor was always there and pretty much dating all of the strippers.
Maise, no, we will NOT Twitter each other because we have class and keep things PRIVATE. I mean, srsly, look what happens when high profile people make objectionable moves in the public eye.
Unless you were being euphemistic in saying "Twitter." In which case, I say: "How dare you."
And I like that PP keeps it classy, and is the voice of reason. Maise is completely right - this might seem like a trainwreck of a relationship, but really, it's got nothing to do with us. We can watch if we like, and have an opinion, but that's it.
I never get crushes, celebrity or otherwise.
As for Trent, who cares? Seriously. Good for him. Go get 'em tiger. Was he supposed to be "PHM/TDS Trent" forever? Let the man evolve.
Amen, Dan. Well, except for the crush part. Who doesn't enjoy a good crush now and then?
And for all of you readers who check Trent's Twitter obsessively for new updates to hate and bitch about, he's giving away free concert tickets later today.
Oh, how nice.
High AND mighty.
Knock it off AnistonCa... I mean JR.
Trent's going out with a thud.
It’s tragic how sheep-like his fans are. He says "Buy this" and everyone is like "YEESS".
I agree with what you put.. it's a sad day indeed, when he acts like this. In the video he did with papagalosh from NIN.com, he states that he's "Happily engaged but can still be a prick". Ugh. I had to laugh when he says he doesn’t want to be a parody of himself and do stupid things to stay relevant and cash in. HMMMM, a little too late there Trent.
Okay, now that we've had a few days to let the news sit in...what's the big deal, when you really think about it? It's not like he announced that he's going to become a crossover country star. The man got engaged. He's happy in his personal life. So maybe he's not as miserable as the rest of us...Good for him! It's hardly a sign of the imminent apocalypse. I'm glad he's happy...for everything he's done through his art for so many people, he deserves to be.
Granted, there are some things I personally would advise against, if he gave a shit what I thought, and I'm sure he doesn't. Like, for example, I would discourage being all kissy-face on Twitter. Does it really matter all that much if he is, though? Jesus, you people act like he was photographed giving blow jobs to Zac Efron and the Jonas Brothers.
After like 60-some posts and God knows how many deletions, I'm ready to move on. Aren't you?
So he sits around reading nin.com forums all day? And he's so well aware he is making a fool of himself that he doesn't want to be reminded? Maybe this is some complex, deep, dumb, artisty thing. pathetic.
Maise, you should be GLAD that you got 60+ posts on here, though many of them were because of me and my situation.
DA, you're barking (meowing?) up the wrong tree.
And I think, yeah, if TR was a friend of mine, I might be like, Dude, you might want to watch the schmoopiness factor just a little cause it's kinda sickening.
And you know what else? MrsTRtobe is kinda like the new Hipster Grifter. I ain't sayin' she's a golddigga...(that's all I know of that song because I'm so unhip).
You're right. I never mind the hits, but omg, our anonymous friends keep flogging the dead horse.
LOL at the Hipster Grifter. She was arrested recently, you know.
I'm beyond words. I can only express myself in emoticons, one in particular: o_O
I've also reached for the barf bag while perusing my Twitter timeline. PDAs are not cool, no matter who you are. Bleh. I'm uncomfortable not with the fact itself, but with how (excruciatingly!) public the whole thing has become. I miss the days when I didn't know a damn thing about Trent's private life.
I'll keep it at that, for the sake of maintaining the peace (and so as not to distract from stories of JR's office quasi-romance).
Is anyone else listening to Depeche Mode's new album? I've not really followed them much in the past but I've been listening to them quite a bit lately. And Dave Gahan's solo album, "Hourglass", too.
Love Dave's voice but I can't really watch him sing because his dancing about is kind of distracting and just...ehh...not impressing me this evening, I guess. He doesn't get too bad in this video for "Come Back" but he's definitely Mr. Wiggles for "Personal Jesus". (really recommend watching them in HD if you can and they're all pretty good) Found myself watching Martin Gore more and not just because of the shiny suit. He really expressive eyebrows. And the eye makeup is fantastic.
Every so often I am reminded of how obsessive NIN fans are. When I sold the YZ ARG artillery box on eBay - I got several e-mails accusing me of "ripping off NIN fans for MONEY!" - of course they then tried to guilt me into selling it to them. Seriously?
Now this. Who cares? Everyone is acting like an 8 year old whose divorcee dad is dating a new woman. GET OVER IT. I wish he was dating Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan. OH NO! He's dating another musician. He's no saint.
JR, fess up, you'll feel better.
Angelwoman and I might go see DM when they are here. They are on of the few bands of that ilk that I find relentlessly listenable.
A friend of mine is amazoning the new Depeche album, we're going to see them in December. Yes, I have much love for the Mode but I haven't heard the album yet.
What do you do when you suddenly get 'discovered' by friends from work on twitter who then end up following you? I'm going to have to get a more anonymous name damnit
There's a rather sweet and nice interview with Trent on vimeo now - the fan thing from nin.com.
The thing is, he moans about touring and how often he tours, but honestly noone forced him to go and tour practically every year since 2005 and I wasn't even expecting him to come back to the UK this year - it's great that he is, but I didn't assume he would. I think he definitely needs a break if only to rest his voice. Oh and iris he is definitely playing Lights in the Sky so that should make you change your mind about Chicago?
Well, we in Peru never get NIN concerts, but I doubt I want to see him anymore. Trent is attention starved and that is why he insults other artists. He's like a dog pissing on the couch just so you will yell at him. Attention is attention even bad attention. Trent is a loser with a capital "L". Please go away Trent, please retire. I'm embarassed for him and his former fans feel the same about now. Just wait til Q starts tweeting about pissing on his couch. I'm sure she'll twitter about it.
Hey Dan, you do know that Depeche Mode is headlining Lollapalooza this year, right? It's a nice three days in Grant Park...hint, hint...
Why would she piss on his couch? He's not marrying Fergie.
Well, Isabel, you can make your account private and then block them. That way they won't see any of your updates but I don't know if that would make an awkward situation for you at work. My sister-in-law was following me for a while but there was some stuff I'd rather not have her read so I blocked her. Got a guilt filled email through Facebook later on "why'd you block me". Families, no matter how cool, just shouldn't have that much access to read your head sometimes.
And is it confirmed, confirmed they'll be playing "Lights in the Sky"? If they are I'm really torn on that idea. That's turned into my all time favorite song and I don't know that I want to hear it sung with some asshole "WHOOO"-ing through it. In slightly other news, I may be doing something this weekend for my birthday that I will either love to death or regret with a passion in relation to that song. We'll have to see if I've got any follow through power though.
Oh, and DA if you and your lady could make it out for Lolla it would be FANTASTIC! Mr. Iris and I always have a great time hanging with the Maise's and Sam.
I love Martin Gore.
And I love the Hipster Grifter.
It's confirmed in so much as in that interview the guy asked Trent specifically why LITS was sound-checked and not played and trent said it was too quiet but that they are playing it this tour as they seem to be playing a more eclectic set and that apparently Ilan playing the piano means trent can concentrate on singing or something.
I just found a great interview I've never seen before http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYKHkXMEczQ
I'm 'working from home' at the moment and the baby is asleep
Honestly anonymii, he's still attractive, who knows given that he's got a fiance maybe she will take some time to give him some tips on appearance (which he certainly could have done with on the Fragile tour and some more recent ones) which can only improve things for us, it's not like any of you were actually going to shag him anyway so what's changed?
let the games begin (from http://prince.org/msg/7/307276?&pg=1)
"As for Trent Reznor slammin' Prince, "Plaaaeeese!!!" That no talent hack of b.s. sensationalism wouldn't know a good song if it kicked him in his pie hole. I'm so tired of all of these lame ass wanna be rockers who ain't even qualified to perm Jimi's hair and put on Little Richard's make-up and Pro Tool rappers who can't find middle C tryin' to cook in the kitchen and ain't got no grease. I say that constructively, ya know???"
Beautiful. Trent permin' hair and apply makeup. What now?
Trent Reznor is BartvanHemelen on Prince.org
I'll talk to Angelwoman about Lolla - I would do it...
The great irony of all this NIN/Prince etc, angst is that I do not care about ANY of these bands to get worked up over it.
Who else got the new Cattle Decapitiation CD. though...? nothing like a little pro-vegan grindcore to start the day right!
Yes, yes, you must come! You might not even have to spring for a hotel if you don't want to. I'm sure between Ro and I, we can get everyone housed for the weekend. Big difference in weather in Chicago between April and August! But I like hot, sticky summers.
Cattle Decaptitation? Sounds a bit grim for vegans. That would be like me starting a band called Chinchilla Fur Coat or Dog Abuse.
The band name is ironic - the guys are all veggie/vegan - the songs put humans in the role of animals at the slaughterhouse, etc...
I will talk to Angelwoman. Judging from that lineup I can assure she will consider it!
I dod have tickets fro Propagandhi on the 31st already!
Are you trying to get this to 100 comments? Actually I just tweeted Trent to ask if he would consider doing a Gary Numan duet in London of 'Metal' - I love that song, it's so stark and alienating and really got me through a few lonely weeks when I began college and first left home. Fully expecting no reply though
If you want Trent to reply or acknowledge you, you have to troll him, then you get personal responses - and he wonders why people do this??
Negative attention is better than no attention to some. Myself, I'd be pretty mortified if Trent snapped at me personally out of a gazillion followers.
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