One of my lifelong favorites, Depeche Mode, was in the news lately for unfortunate reasons. Lead singer, Dave Gahan is currently hospitalized in Athens. I saw earlier news reports that called his condition "gastroenteritis," but according to this report, no one is saying what is wrong with him. So I certainly hope that it's not serious and that Dave recovers quickly. After all, we are looking forward to seeing him and DM at Lolla this August.
Although it may just be the latest manifestation of the mysterious "Ro Curse" on Depeche Mode. During their last tour, Ro and I and another friend had tickets to a show at the Allstate Arena, but sadly, Ro couldn't attend the show due to a sudden death in the family. Then the next time they were scheduled to appear in Chicago, Ro got tickets and eagerly awaited the show. The day of the show, she discovered that the gig had been cancelled due to Dave Gahan's contracting laryngitis. A few days later, it was announced that the show would not be rescheduled.
Now the new tour is underway, and Ro purchased her Lollapalooza 3-day pass and is eagerly awaiting Depeche Mode as the final headliner. And now Dave Gahan is hospitalized? Mere coincidence? Hmmmm...
At any rate, here is the official DM announcement on Dave's condition.
Perhaps I need to make a ritual sacrifice to ensure Dave's speedy recovery. I will not be denied a shirtless, prancing Dave Gahan and a man-skirt wearing Martin Gore again!
Well do what you have to do Ro. I don't want to miss them! I'm kinda late in coming around to DM (as was the case with NIN too) but I've really, really been digging "Sounds of the Universe" and Dave's s last solo album.
Dave's topless prancing is funny. It's like if I were the only one around I think I could be totally into it and possibly even think it's sexy after a drink or two but then I think of him prancing about in front of millions and then it's a bit more "YIKES, please stop".
As someone who has seen it in the flesh, you are spot on on the prancing, yes we know you are lithe Dave but there's no need to milk it. Love them though, but I remember them back in the 80s and sometimes I think they don't give enough love live to their old stuff, I really want to hear Just Can't Get Enough - we had the 12' version extended mix which is genious and it had a great b side too if I remember rightly
My absolute favorite is "Never Let Me Down Again," and there's a whole trademark arm-waving move that goes with that one.
What about "One Caress"? Or the b-side (I think - that or a remix) of "Clean"? "In Your Room"? Come ON.
Martin Gore is the shiznit, for reals. Love him.
And if Dave survived getting his taint pierced, plus that whole pulling-a-Britney-and-almost-dying thing in the 90s, he'll make it through this, Ro or no.
I didn't even realize until I saw them in concert that most of my favorite DM songs are actually sung by Martin. I just kind of assumed all along that Dave Gahan sang everything. Not so!
Martin Gore is a genius.
Well, it's interesting that you say that, Maise, because as you know, everything is written by Martin (until Playing the Angel, where DG insisted on having like three songs on the record or he was leaving; assuming it's the same on this record). Except for the first record. And if you ever hear Martin sing a song that is typically sung by Dave (that version of "Clean" being the only one I can think of at the moment), it's so obvious that Martin taught Dave how to sing, or at least schooled him in the Martin Gore School Of Singing.
On an unrelated note, I just found out that my protege and his girlfriend (who was the first good one he's had since I've known him; the other were harpies who were terrible to him), broke up. So my inviting him and his s.o. to double with my husband and I to the end of the year party turned into an awkward thing for me (not him, so he claims).
So now I'm bringing TWO dates! Niiice. (And, as always with my work stories, there's a reason for me to be bringing backup, but that's a story for another time.)
For the record, I also asked my other protege (on whom I do not have a crush), and his fiance to also join us. So it's really more of a free for all than anything else.
It's unfair that G&D disappeared while I was on hiatus from blogs and boards. That whole wtc thing was so creative and entertaining. Well it's good to see you've got your own thing happening maise! I don't have much to say about DM but one day I promise to contribute something relevant to the comments. -- Roth
JR - stop calling him your protege. I'm sure it serves some sort of function for you but it's wierd. Can't you say he used to work for you and be done with it?
DAngel - the only relatively new thrash-esque bands I've been into lately have been Trivium and Lamb of God as I've seen them a few times (LOG had the best circle pit I've ever seen although Chuck Billy of Testament managed to get some insane wrecking going on, he parted the crowd like the red sea, some stage presence). I don't buy Kerrang or Metal Hammer anymore so I don't really know who the more obscure bands are.
I find it ironic that Trent can accuse 'you peope' of being tedious on twitter when he's marrying someone who has the most tedious twitter account going. Think I'm going to block him and lead a normal life
DA - I could stop calling him my protege, but he IS my protege. I've been successfully mentoring him for two years, and cultivated him from a staffer to a management position. I give him feedback, advice, and guidance, and he thrives. His professional style is influenced by me. HE IS MY PROTEGE. But if it will make you happy, I can refer to him as M****.
Don't hate the player, hate the game, DA.
Meanwhile: who's excited for the Steve Albini-produced Jarvis Cocker record? Hmmm?
Hm, Depeche Mode continues to cancel shows. Ro, I think you had better start making those ritual sacrifices soon.
And JR, I like Jarvis Cocker, but he's not really in my *heart,* you know? As much as I'd like him to be...
Oh, Maise. Once again you disappoint me.
It took me a while to really get deeply into Jarvis, so I suppose there is still hope for you.
@ JR - HE IS NOT YOUR PROTEGE. Yes the dictionary def. may somewhat apply but he is just some dude who had you as a boss. Stop playing master and servant - the whole "protege" tag reeks of fetishism.
@ Isabel - Well, thrash is *kinda* dead although there are a few good bands still carrying the torch. I really like (non-thrash) Gojira, Opeth, etc right now. Kreator's last two albums were pure thrash and REALLY REALLY good.
I never thought of it that way, DA. Huh. You're right, and it never occurred to me.
and nice incorporation of tweety punctuation.
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