I've never been to Iowa, but I imagine the drive will look a lot like this:

So although we'll be absent for the next couple of days, I'm sure we'll have plenty to report upon our return.
In the meantime, you can use this thread to do what you guys do best...
Take care of business?
My feet are cold.
Hey, so am I the only ghost dog who shops at NY and Co.? They used to have the only jeans in the mall that would fit my petite fertility goddess proportions. But I think they've been jacking around with the dimensions of everything because it took me FOREVER to find jeans that fit today...it seems like the waists are smaller, and the pant legs are longer. Unless I just got fatter and shrunk. I dunno.
I can't wait to see you guys and I hope my directions don't get you lost. Every house may look the same in suburbia but the same thing applies to country farms. Cows, cows, corn field, corn field, corn field, rinse and repeat ad infinitum. But a little part of me missed it we moved away for awhile. You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl.
You are already on your way to Cedar Rapids, and I still have not produced my guest blog. I am a pathetic excuse for a blogger. My only defense is, I have been working day and night to make up for the time I took off to go see NIN. How I wish I were in Cedar Rapids with you. I suspect we would have an excellent time together.
You're going to do a photo essay with the TR portrait, right? Please do this.
Maise, I recently posted an irate rant elsewhere about the FAIL in the sizing of women's jeans nowadays. I have similar problems finding anything that fits me and is not six inches too long in the leg. Levi Strauss & Co., you are on notice.
That why I am stylish like this.
Tight inseams are sinful.
I have un certain regard for Cannes this time of year when it is freezing outside. Maybe you could enlist your gang of merry men to help out as jurors to solve that cold feet problem.
Gotta go! Someone said they were going to repair my leaky bathtub but alas, it never happened. Why is it always left to women to take care of business? No more sleepy dreaming...
Someone posted Trent doing a soundcheck of Lights in the Sky which is lovely - hope you get this at your show!
Only because I said no to their paltry request.
You see, I am trying to raise my profile, and am no longer slumming it in the prison system, darling.
It's in mah face!
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW! That's all I can say for now about last night's show! Wish like hell I could find a tag-a-long for the one in Missouri tonight. -sigh-
Maise and Ro are one their way back home now. Hopefully we'll get the review up in the day or so, but you know how that can be with us sometimes.
Azulaco, we still want to hear about your experiences because they sounded amazing in what you hinted at in your email.
Yeah, it was an amazing show, and even the most objective member of our group, Mr. Iris, who often gets dragged along to shows he'd probably not choose to see on his own, thought it was great. We had a MUCH better view of the set this time, and it made a world of difference. The production value is really pretty mind-blowing.
I just need some time to relax and decompress, so stay tuned!
Oh, and we wound up not taking the Trent painting on tour with us because I was seized by the irrational fear that the tour bus would drive by just as we were posing with Trent at Arby's or whatnot.
Aw, I was so hoping for the s&m Trent painting at Arby's w/some faux BBQ while the Iowa corn fields gently sway out the window.
I know, I know, but seriously, this painting is just...overwhelming in person.
Iris, I wish I had known you were up for the Columbia show. I would have made that happen if I had had someone to go with. I did go to Tulsa on Saturday (visiting the friend who came out on the East Coast tour with me) and it was pretty great. Ended up staying on the same floor as the band in the hotel. Yes, really. No TR sightings, but I saw everyone else at least once and made an idiot of myself when I ran into Finck, so that was...special.
Are you sure you guys don't want to come to the Vegas show with me? My luck appears to be running high.
Okay, Azulaco, we need more details about your Robin Finck encounter, stat.
Az, you're trying to make me die of jealousy, right? Well congrats because it's working. Believe me if there were any way possible to make Vegas I would be there with bells on but I don't think I'll have a buddy to come with me to meet up with you. We're just going to have to wait until they announce the next leg of the tour (which I'm assuming they'll be doing another canvassing of the U.S.) and then we'll have to plan a meet up in the Chicago area. But unless we get some details SOON (and I don't mean soon in the Reznor sense) the deal is off. You can't keep dropping I-met-the-band hints and not expand upon your experience you frigging cock tease. Start fessing up!
Iris, you are totally right to call me on this. Here is what happened with Finck: I went back to my room in Tulsa around noon once my friend arrived to hold our place in line. I was upgrading into a new room, because I have a Priority Club membership with Crowne Plaza, so I figured, why not go for the nicer room if they have one available? And wouldn't it be funny if I ran into the band on the club floor, ha ha?
I'll be damned if the elevator didn't arrive to take me back down to the lobby, and Robin Finck stepped out onto my floor with his bag. He looked right at me and smiled and said "Hi," and you know what I said? "Holy sh*t." That's it. That was my smooth encounter with Robin Finck - I managed to be both profane and inane in the space of two seconds. And then I think I babbled something about hoping they could get some rest before the show that afternoon and I got the hell out of there.
So. Now that you know how uncool I am, can I still come see you in Chicago?
Azulaco, one thing that I admire and appreciate is when people can't be cool around their favorite celebrities. I say "bah" to those people who can be witty and coherent...if you're not completely starstruck, then you don't really care.
I'm sure that any encounter I have with Trent Reznor will be horrendously embarrassing. For everyone involved. But it's all out of love.
Meanwhile, I'm so fucking sick. OMG. That review will have to wait until I can sit upright for more than 10 minutes.
Chicago plans finalized. Arriving 12/6, departing 12/9. The Japanese Language Proficiency Test is fixing to kick my ass on Pearl Harbor Day.
Can't wait to hear about everyone's NIN adventures. I don't have much to tell from Grand Rapids, aside from a halfway decent photo slideshow.
Anonymous said...
Take care of business?
My feet are cold.
November 18, 2008 6:32 PM
Aren't you the one with the extra toe?
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