(photo courtesy of Barbara Karant)
I mean, come on...how HOTTT will Barack look walking a sleek greyhound? Sure, get the girls their goldendoodle puppy, but the White House is pretty big. There's room for more than one dog, right?
Retired racing greyhounds make wonderful pets. I currently have two (and would probably have at least a couple more if I had the room in my house); they are among the great loves of my life, and they have turned me into a greyhound adoption activist. The breed isn't for everyone, to be sure, but a lot of people either have just never considered one or have some misconceptions:
1) They won't necessarily eat your other pets...it really depends on the individual dog, and it depends on the dog's "prey drive." Some greys should not be around smaller dogs, cats, birds, small animals, etc. Other greys will be happy to curl up with your kitty or will even make friends with your pet rabbit, although with the latter, I would NOT recommend unsupervised conduct. They are a hunting dog and do have an instinct to chase. But again, it depends on the individual dog's temperament, and a good rescue organization will check to see if a greyhound is "small dog-friendly" or "cat-tolerant." My husband and I have two chinchillas. I NEVER leave them out of the cage, unsupervised, with the dogs. However, our dogs pay almost no attention to the chinchilla cage and will even take a nap in the same room without bothering the chins. Even Anubis, who wants to chase every squirrel and bunny he sees outside.
2) A greyhound's ability to get along with small children really depends on the individual dog...just like with every other breed. Through my work with Cleo and Anubis' adoption group, I've met many families with children and greyhounds, and everyone seems to get along just fine. A lot of it has to do with supervising kids' contact with ALL pets and making sure that a curious toddler doesn't molest a pet beyond its tolerance level.
3) They do not need any more exercise than any other dog. Some people believe that you need to walk greyhounds for hours and hours...they're racers, right? Actually, greyhounds are sprinters and can only maintain their incredible speeds (up to 45 mph!) for short periods of time. Greyhounds do need exercise and walks, like any other dog, but mine are happy with two 30-minute walks a day. They enjoy longer walks, of course, but they aren't bouncing off the walls if you don't provide them. Which brings me to my next point...
4) Greyhounds are LAZY. A lot of people, again, assume that because they are racers, they must have lots of energy. Well, from what I've seen over the past two years, greyhounds can sleep up to 20 hours a day, and what they most want in the world is a soft bed or couch to curl up on. The largest grey has a lot more in common with a housecat than a Jack Russell terrier, which really will bounce off the walls without tons of exercise.
5) They are larger dogs, but they have longer lifespans than many big breeds. 12-14 years is the average. Hopefully mine will live forever, or at least will inspire some blogger to keep their memory alive via online alter ego...ahem.
6) Greyhounds are quiet (except for Cleo, when she wants something), have short hair, and do not shed as much as other breeds (which makes them a better breed for allergy-sufferers)...so clearly, they would make good Oval Office companions. ;)
All that being said, there are two things I should point out:
1) Greyhounds must either be fenced in or MUST MUST MUST be on a strong leash. A runaway greyhound is much faster than a mere human can catch, and they could wander miles before they stop running. Also, a runaway greyhound is at serious risk of being hit by a car or other terrible injuries.
2) Once you get one, it's really hard not to get more. :)
If you have any questions about this wonderful breed, please leave them here, and I'll be happy to answer them!
Mr. President:
I don't have a preference for the breed of First Pooch, but I have a recommendation should the need arise.
There's nothing more embarrassing, and I have to imagine the same is true for a world leader. Or World Leader (Elect), as it were.
Good luck at the pound,
I want the new AC/DC cd and there is NO Walmart here. What to do?
You don't really want the new AC/DC record. Bill Cosby told me that it sux.
Doesn't Bill Cosby have puddin' for brains?
I can vouch for how awesome Maise's greyhounds are. Well except for Anubis who snubs us every time we visit. Elitist.
And let's not be bad mouthing all Jack Russells as hyperactive breed. We've got a Jack Rat (Jack Russell / rat terrier mix) who could probably give your dogs a run for sleeping.
There's nothing wrong with the new AC/DC album. It sounds like the exact same record they've been putting out for years. I already picked up my copy at Wally World a few weeks ago. Wish there were some way to swing getting to one of their shows but anything near us is happening on a weekday and I think I'm pushing my luck at work with the day trips.
My little guy is a mixed breed, but has a mostly sighthound personality. We love it. He is perfect for us. If we ever get another dog, we want a grey.
Goddamn I'm jealous that you guys are journeying to see NIN in the near future. I am going through a major post-show depression right now. It's never enough with this tour. Do you have presale?
That's true, Iris. Every dog is an individual! So not all JRTs will be hyperactive, but I think perhaps the majority of them are more high energy than people would expect.
Anubis isn't so much an elitist as a coward.
Nah, Azulaco. I missed the presale tickets which I'm kinda kicking myself for now. They're so pretty. But I'm sure if the past few years are any indication the Formerly Angry Midget will be going on tour again. But there are still tickets on sale for Cedar Rapids...feel like another road trip, Az?
Cats > Dogs.
Best Presidential pet? Socks the cat (b. 1991), who is still alive today.
Oh God, Iris, don't tempt me. I'm already thinking about Tulsa b/c I can do that without taking time off work.
The presale tickets are okay, I didn't think they were so amazingly special. I guess the NIN logo is printed on them in red foil. But then I was too excited to see straight at my presale shows, so I should maybe go home and look at the tickets again to really see them.
You forget Bill Cosby's television lineage, which began with I Spy.
Yeah, but the Clintons gave away Socks the Cat to a secretary...
You're right, I love I Spy, espionage, and Fat Albert.
Socks decided to leave the Clintons. Socks wanted a more relaxed lifestyle. Socks did his service to our country and wanted to live out his remaining years away from the bright lights of DC.
Dear Website Writer:
Please refrain from referring to our President-elect as "HOTTT".
Unless you're changing the name of your website to www.WearingThisChange.com, it just makes everyone feel a little douchey.
Bryan, you are a genius. Iris...let's get on the WTC for a new era.
Before the election, I felt a little uncomfortable acknowledging President-Elect Barack Obama's HOTTTTTNESS and how he makes me feel funny...down there. I mean, there's the whole stereotype of women just voting for the most attractive man and all.
I voted for the content of the man's character and his policies rather than the contents of his pants, but now that the election is over, I'm free! I'm free!
Bryan -
Did you read that article?
You know, the one that I said should not be discussed with Amise and Iris?
Who's Amise? Sounds kind of French and sexy.
Oh for Christ's sake.
Obama looks like a tan Howdy Doody.
I personally found McCain to be attractive, but I like older, powerful men who don't cave.
That's just me.
Oh! Also, it's funny that I mention Fat Albert. I should have mentioned that the pitch for Return to Form involved only the voices of Don Rickles or Bill Cosby. It's animated.
^^ is this JR???, sounds like JR with all the 'Cos and McCain love.
Amise is, in fact, "Maise" in French.
Bryan, you made me laugh out loud with that comment.
Dear Website Writer, please make immediate plans to develop www.WearingThisChange.com. That has the potential to be enormously entertaining.
I'm in for some Rahm Emanuel action. Damn, girl.
Started reading it last night -- and I totally understand what you meant when you first went back, about getting into the mode of reading academic texts again. Going to finish tonight.
But from what I've read so far, I think it's best we not discuss anymore on this website. "Certain people" might get upset.
Btw, J.R. -- what the fuck with the fake handle? I expect better work from you then that when using multiple personae.
Lock it up!
Damn, I can't keep up with you guys today. But it sounds like someone is a bit insecure that they might not look as HOTT with a greyhound as the President-elect. Hmmm?
Maise, I am all over working on a header for our new Obama-loving site.
Where has JR been lately? She hasn't been around here for a while and she hasn't updated her blog since September.
As a proud greyhound owner myself, they are without doubt the BEST dogs in the world. My Nate is the best guy in my life, and he never gives me guff.
And I would have to side with Maise on this one: Barack is HOTT. He's smart, he's in shape, he's powerful, and he's the cutest family man ever. What's not to find HOTT in that???
Barack and I played hoops and the man has no game. That is what was "not HOTT" I dunked on him.
Sorry ladies, I got game.
I heard he's nerdier in person.
Dude, if Barack is nerdy, that makes him even HOTTER.
I mean, hello? Isn't that half the reason that we all love Trent?
than me? Not a chance.
Only 44 days, 3 hours and 47 shopping minutes left until Christmas.
That's HOTT.
I already told my family what I want.
One of the coolest things about Places Parallel is that because of the black background of the landing page, I can use my monitor as a mirror for checking my hair.
We aim to please.
In case you never want to be productive again...here's a site that's more entertaining than "Infinite Jest."
Man, I love Van Halen.
I am the only one here that misses Republica?
"It's a crack, I'm back,
Yeah, standing on the rooftops,
Having it
Baby I'm ready to go
I'm back and ready to go
From the rooftops shout it out...
Shout it out"
No, you're not.
Hey! Who likes orgies????
Ah, the classics, they never get old. Criswell's voiceover and Celeste's moans.
Listen to that clarity of that 2nd generation Tascam 4 track cassette recording! Trent reznor spends A LOT of money to sound that low-fi.
Another 'net find.
If you like music, this is worth the 7 minutes to watch:
This is pretty good, check it out when you get the chance.
Robert McChesney explores the changing relationship between media and politics and the effects of the growing globalization of mass media. Series: Carsey-Wolf Center for Film, Television, and New Media at UCSB.
Free Press?
Here I am.
Looks like I didn't miss much.
Neither did you. Still rocking a MAJOR crush on this guy (genius!), not to mention this guy, and still pursuing this scheme.
I have been listening to a lot of Blue Oyster Cult lately, as well, for whatever that's worth.
I continue to plot and scheme in my personal and professional life, and have made a vow that I am no longer talking politics. I will, however, still discuss religion.
DA - nice vid, sad story.
And for the patented JR Trifecta, may I introduce you to Rude Bear.
I spent the weekend writing about relative gains, constructivism and the great neorealist/neoliberal debate... you?
Gremlins fans:
What did I do this weekend, you ask?
Also, planning a trip to Chicago. Whoo.
"bright lights!"
Never feed Gizmo after midnight.
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